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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Networking

Sin #1

Overindulgence is apt to occur once you pave your way in a new social network environment, especially if this is your first foray. Immersion is helpful but only to the point of gorging yourself - marked by the bloated sensation one gets from stalking friends and discussions into the wee hours (we've all done it). Kill the vice: Try to avoid becoming a mouse potato by pacing yourself.

Sin #2

Because of the 'popularity factor,' you will inevitably find yourself coveting others' ability to work the social networking scene, be it by their number of friends, photos, or widgets. Kill the vice: It's the quality, not quantity, of relationships you're building that counts.
Sin #3

If you're green with envy then you're also probably hoarding with greed. One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself in a social network setting - or anywhere within social media for that matter - is share. Kill the vice: It's a big "give a penny" jar out there. Share your knowledge, connections, contacts, resources.

Putting yourself "out there" is a great first step, good for you. It doesn't count, though, if you set up your profile, ping a few friends, and then walk away. This is how things end up for a lot of folks who have good intentions but then find themselves too busy or (gasp) lazy to maintain their online image. Kill the vice: The beast of burden has to be fed if you want it to carry you into the future, so try to hop online at least every few days to see what's new (days, not minutes).

Although the medium (the Internet) has changed, words are still weapons in this place. People fling derogatory remarks every which way, jettisoned by the fact that word of mouth will carry them further than ever before. And it's public, so poo pooing can be feisty when people want to save face. This ain't Vegas, baby - what happens online stays online for all to see. Kill the vice: Stay upwind of downward conversations, and similarly, rise above anything directed at you by giving a diplomatic response.


People are nice enough. Sometimes, online, the mask comes off. Lines between flattery and flirtation blur, and it can be tough to spot inappropriateness in email let alone on your Facebook Wall. You're responsible for your conduct, and everything is traceable. Kill the vice: Don't say anything online that you wouldn't want your boss or mother to read; watch out for pervs and preds; keep it in your pants.

Sin# 7

Make no mistake, social networks are driven by egos. Millions of egos. They provide a forum for exhibitionism which often strays far from that healthy shot of self-confidence one gets from having friends and making impressions on new people. Kill the vice: Your voice is an important addition to the millions that are already screaming for attention, so own your niche with a little pride . . . and a lot of perspective.

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