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Monday, January 18, 2010

Rihanna Goes Hard

I loved the concept of the vid, the whole high fashion General factor that Rihanna had going on, she truly rocked that sh*t like fashion ,and with passion. All her outfits were so hot, i'm not gonna lie , she looked really good when the soldiers were marching the high fashion sergeant . OMG she looked really good walking through the desert environment with the spikes as shoulder pads, i truly loved the sound of the music in this and the instruments were on poitn .Jezzy did his thing coming to the end , his rap was dope ,DID yal see Rihanna on the pink tank with her Mickey mouse helmet. But one thing that i didn't like , i'm from the Caribbean trini to de bone and Rihanna also and she should of danced (wined) better on the tank.But no matter what the song and the vid was the business.

Under Kontrol @Beatbox Battle TV

Sunday, January 17, 2010

*NEW* Zoom Kobe 4

*NEW* "Kermit the Frog" Nike SB

SWAGGER X G-Shock 5600

"His Basics" Photo Contest: Which is Your Favorite?

1. Jason from New York
The essentials from my hotel in Praha, CZ
a trip made with some of my mates from the UK.

2. Abolurin from the USA

My blackberry, G-shock watch, spectacles, money, and my keys

3. Axel from The Netherlands

Casio G-Shock Watch, Iphone, LV Card Holder,
LV Key and Change Holder (letting it hang from my belt loop)

4. Daniel from London
A Sony Minidisc Walkman (had it since 2004), A Chinese good luck bracelet (works for me), A credit card, An "Oyster" Card (every Londoner needs one of these), A Nokia 3310 (most reliable/only phone I've ever had), A pair of Hugo Boss specs, A wallet, A set of keys ...and another minidisc because one simply is not enough.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

B-Boxing Skit @ The Lost Dog Lounge

The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Networking

Sin #1

Overindulgence is apt to occur once you pave your way in a new social network environment, especially if this is your first foray. Immersion is helpful but only to the point of gorging yourself - marked by the bloated sensation one gets from stalking friends and discussions into the wee hours (we've all done it). Kill the vice: Try to avoid becoming a mouse potato by pacing yourself.

Sin #2

Because of the 'popularity factor,' you will inevitably find yourself coveting others' ability to work the social networking scene, be it by their number of friends, photos, or widgets. Kill the vice: It's the quality, not quantity, of relationships you're building that counts.
Sin #3

If you're green with envy then you're also probably hoarding with greed. One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself in a social network setting - or anywhere within social media for that matter - is share. Kill the vice: It's a big "give a penny" jar out there. Share your knowledge, connections, contacts, resources.

Putting yourself "out there" is a great first step, good for you. It doesn't count, though, if you set up your profile, ping a few friends, and then walk away. This is how things end up for a lot of folks who have good intentions but then find themselves too busy or (gasp) lazy to maintain their online image. Kill the vice: The beast of burden has to be fed if you want it to carry you into the future, so try to hop online at least every few days to see what's new (days, not minutes).

Although the medium (the Internet) has changed, words are still weapons in this place. People fling derogatory remarks every which way, jettisoned by the fact that word of mouth will carry them further than ever before. And it's public, so poo pooing can be feisty when people want to save face. This ain't Vegas, baby - what happens online stays online for all to see. Kill the vice: Stay upwind of downward conversations, and similarly, rise above anything directed at you by giving a diplomatic response.


People are nice enough. Sometimes, online, the mask comes off. Lines between flattery and flirtation blur, and it can be tough to spot inappropriateness in email let alone on your Facebook Wall. You're responsible for your conduct, and everything is traceable. Kill the vice: Don't say anything online that you wouldn't want your boss or mother to read; watch out for pervs and preds; keep it in your pants.

Sin# 7

Make no mistake, social networks are driven by egos. Millions of egos. They provide a forum for exhibitionism which often strays far from that healthy shot of self-confidence one gets from having friends and making impressions on new people. Kill the vice: Your voice is an important addition to the millions that are already screaming for attention, so own your niche with a little pride . . . and a lot of perspective.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meet the Browns

Daily Update

Just finished up my work.Chilin, writing in my journal and blasting Eminem. Decided t continue my journal and no throw it away. Gonna use it to write entries like this for the blog, and for sketches and to paste any pics i find. Created a facebook fan page for the blog hope you guys join. So far only 3 followers some black chic and an azn dude. Thinking of changing the blog name because of Nick Jpnas' band name is The Administration which is where i got the name. I just realixed my blog can't get big if theres a band named the same thing. Need Help With Names!!!!                      I'm starving like crazy, floors itching me..even insdide my shirt and pants, abd my bro's trying to rap -.- to go eat. Dueces       

I Ain't Fruity...Just Romantic

Felix Zenger-- Surprisnly White Bois Got Talent--No Racial

Crazy White Boy...BMX

First Skateboard Entry... o_o


Either this dude has a major problem or his a saitnist...either way i ain't gonna have anything to do with him neither should..seriosly wtf is wrong with him??

Sunday, January 10, 2010

R.I.P. Bboy SicRik

lol. Don't you just love his facial expressions. XD

Casa no Geres

Casa no Geres, designed by Porto-based Correia/Ragazzi Aquitectos,
This is the first project by Gracia Correia and her new Italian partner, Roberto Ragazzi. It is a bold statement that hides nothing.

Childs Play

Wake Up Baby..Its White Men

Beat Boxes from Viget Labs on Vimeo.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Chinese VW

China just released a new toy.Volkswagon for $600 and gets 258 mpg. Single seater and 1.25 meters long. Asains need to make cars that fit everyone not just the small people. -.-

He Gotta Big Ego